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    2009年5月17日 星期日

    A great idea in concept一個以Android開發的即時LBS服務看品牌辨識度

    今天在Where 2.0 Conference的網站上發現增加了一個可愛的贊助商
    Waze is aiming to create the first user generated live driving map through the use of Smartphones. Our goal is to empower drivers to create, share and use real-time information (such as Traffic updates or road accidents) straight from their Smartphones. This has been both very popular and efficient in Israel, where we first began. Waze is currently seeking 100 alpha users in the Bay Area who’ll be the first users to participate in building this exciting project.

    除去技術探討,我注意的是Android似乎已營造出一種sweet and brandable風格,讓人一看就知道這是一個追隨Android的平台服務,就像第一眼看到waze界面,相信你會有這種感覺,類似一種品牌辨識度要成型了,風潮漸起。


    看看他們Brand Guidelines,把concept以視覺畫和感性的方式來呈現,可愛的背後,行銷的操作絕不馬虎!這就是準備要成功的態度。想要玩Android?你要了解小綠人的可愛才行。
